Contoh Essay 1 Buat Kuliah di Luar Negeri
Kamis, 11 April 2019
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1: My Role for Indonesia
When I child, my
mother is always told with me as her son about importantly of education with
her actions or words. I know that the education is a long process for growing
values in the life. It is need an extraordinary spirit and tenacity. When I
grow to be adult, on the Junior High School I got some information about
differently between teaching and educating. Teaching is only told about science
or knowledge transformations, while the educating is a process for founding
good character to the students. So, a teacher and educator as parents of
students in the school they have had worked not only for teaching, but also
they are must to educate all students. Why is this important to me? Because
being a teacher is my dream.
When I child I
always to observe my teachers profiles and make a wish that on the one day I
will became a teacher like her. I have one hope to be a lecture and teacher
since I still at the Kindergarten time until I studied on university. This is
my role for Indonesia: be a good lecturer and teacher for student, family and
peoples, for make a synchronizations between my hope and expect on my life
everyday on process.
One main step is
needed to be a lecturer is continuously my study to the next level properly. And
then I continuously my study to scholarship level (S1) in language and literature studies Arabic Department on the Faculty of Adab dan Humanities. For
grew up my ability soft skill, and I had succeed to explored all that at the
Islamic Boarding and School as a teacher and guide to Arabic language studies.
As has been
described above on the first, I’m
working too as a teacher at Islamic Middle High School who having a job for
teaching students to knowledge about Language, especially in Arabic. Because with learn of Arabic Language I
hoped we want to deepen learning contents of Quran at the future. After I graduate I work as a teacher at
Islamic Senior High School in my home around during I wait a chance to next my
study to magister level.
I do the whole activity
with hope that is can be supporter for my steps and dreams to give more
contributions for Indonesia on the education aspect.
To be educators who are of interest to me, I
hope will be giving contribution to Indonesia and can have enjoyment to road of
process. The role as the teachers and educators is broad, they are not only
teaching on formal environment or school, but also they are can be an educators
and around of peoples and family. It must doing with consistency and continuity.
There fore education is a fundamental aspect to build the civilization of
nation. Manner of intelligence, the peoples of Indonesia admitted have the
highest level of it. With supported by good mentality building, hopefully
Indonesia will be better.
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