
Contoh Essay 2 Buat Kuliah di Luar Negeri

Contoh Essay 2 Buat Kuliah di Luar Negeri

Essay 2: The Great Success for My Life.


The years of 2015 is any experience with a great challenge enough for my life, so that it was soldered on my memories. I’m using the synergism of life perspective: it is a combine between my responsible that I would have been doing in my home, community students and peoples at my village, and to my self also as a student with all academic subject. That period is the time when I take on to 5, 6, and 7 semesters on my studied at the Faculty of Adab and Humanities on State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. Generally, on the ‘ages’ like that clearly it is past time for students in seniority phase. However I was stayed as children if we look on the other side. I mean, I have been gave the most time for give my contributions for my environment. More available challenge I confront them with my spirit to studies, because in my mind, the successfulness is courage for doing your proses with a good wish until you can get more having lesson.
My first challenge is I must do two my big home work. At the first, my parent’s strongest support for me to go to studies in the other country. And secondly, I leave at an institution or Islamic Boarding Development and School, on the one day I have long time enough for do discuss and lobbying with my parents, in the end they are gave me a mandate to be a manager on their Childs Orphanage and Islamic Boarding Development. One more, I got a command to be a lecturer at there, because we have more graduations from Senior High School and they want to continue theirs studies at there. In the end, that something was giving me motivation for next studies to magister level. This is a great challenge enough for me, may Allah give me HIS WILL to next studies on the Arabic Department at Brunei Darussalam.

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